Bailey got LOTS of clothes and (her favorite) a bathrobe and slippers from me and Bruce
Morgan had a touch of the stomache flu that morning and dry heaved a bit...she didn't have any interest in opening any presents that morning...
She got Bratz dolls, operation, perfection, and lots of Barbie clothes from Santa and TONS of clothes from me and Bruce!
Reagan didn't want her picture taken that morning either, this is the only one I have of her! Bad Mommy!
She got a sit and spin and a baby doll from Santa and some clothes from me and Bruce
He got this workbench that came with a ton of tools and lucky ducks game from Santa.
And you guessed it clothes from Me and Bruce!
Here are a few more pictures of Morgan just so you can see how horrible she felt that morning.
The picture below is how she opened her presents (I think this is the only one she opened up) she just swiped her arm across to rip it open...
Owen with his blue Ninja Turtle from Morgan
Morgan with her Baby Bratz mermaid from Bailey
(Bailey first got her slippers but she worried for 2 days that Morgan would be sad that she didn't give her a toy!)
Bailey with her Necklace and earring set from Reagan
She was pretty excited to get them, she saw them and really wanted them but I told her that it was just too old for her, she was disappointed, but as we were leaving I grabbed them and hid them...hehe...sneaky mommy!
Owen and Morgan really were happy to see Santa, the camera was a little slow so by the time he took the picture they weren't smiling anymore! Oh well, at least it was free! Morgan was very talkative to Santa, she listed off about 15 things that she wants! Everytime the paper comes she runs and gets a pen to circle all the things that she wants...I tell her that Santa can't bring it all, she understands but keeps on circling!
I think one of the reasons that she likes to help me out is so she can lick the utinsels! As you can see she thoroughly enjoys it!
The fruits of our labors...We made caramel brownies and peanut butter bars...yummy!
Sorry these arn't the best pictures...taking pictures of food is hard!
She just loves putting her feet on things. When I was nursing her she would have her legs up on my oppisite shoulder. When ever I lay her down in her crib she stick her legs straight up so I have to push them down to cover them, she laughs the entire time I am trying to do this. Before she was walking or crawling she would lay on her back and put her feet up to help play with the toy.
Ok this one is not a "monkey toes" picture but when you ask her where her "mean teeth" are, she pulls this cute face. She rarely will do her "mean teeth" in front of others so I threw it in.
Flinging his webs...hehe...he just cracks me up!
Spiderman needs to have ears! I just love how much he concentrates on this!
Getting the other ear in :) Notice that the first ear is backwards :)
He is so funny! I dont think that he will ever grow out of this stage. Its been over a year and the obsession is still growing strong, hey it makes it easy to buy for him!
P.S. in case you were wondering Cassi is Kims second daughter, everytime they come into town he gets the giddist look on his face and says,"Is my Cassi here too?" He just loves her so much and she sould care less about him...I guess thats where the love comes from, he has to work for it, he follows her around like a little lost puppy, its so cute!
Nearing the end!
As you can see she has about the same smile in all the pictures, she flinches when she sees my camera...I think I need a new camera, but this one will have to do for a little bit!