Wednesday, September 24, 2008

No more diapers!

This isn't exactly new but Reagan is potty trained! It's been about 2 months but I keep forgetting to take pictures of her on the potty! I started trying to potty train her in the middle of July and for about 2 weeks I wondered if she was ready...well on her birthday something must have clicked and she has been virtually acctident free ever since! Girls are still SO much easier than boys!!
She is so proud of herself!

She love reading this bath book everytime she goes potty!
At first we tried to bribe her with m&m's but she liked her carrots! Weird kid!
I still will put diapers on her at nap and nighttime but she is usually dry...I just know the first time I don't put one on her she will pee the bed!


  1. yay for no more diapers! parker refuses...he knows what he's doing, but prefers to sit in his own poop. on random occasions he'll decide he wants to go on the in the middle of robert's.

  2. Ali potty-trained herself...I thought I had gotten off so easy, but when she was 2 1/2 she fell off a slide in our backyard, about 15 feet up. We had to transport her in an ambulance and she had CT scans- needless to say it was a very tramatic experience. Lucky for us, she was fine, but she reverted as far as the potty-training went...I had to go buy diapers again!! The second time wasn't nearly as easy as the first...moral of the story (novel) don't let Raegan fall off of anything.:)

  3. She is so adorable!!! I love her smile! You are such a pro when it comes to potty training! Can I send Bradley to live with you so you can potty train him? At the rate he is going, Samantha might potty train first.

  4. She is such a cutie. How old is she? Madi was so easy. She was potty trained before 3. Brayden on the other hand... took 4EVER! What a sinker, he still is! I keep wondering when to start with Chloe. My mom said I was potty trained at 14 months. I couldn't image. Chloe is almost 16 months now.

  5. Good job Reags...little stinker...your gonna tick a lot of moms off!!!

  6. Thats great! My first was potty trained at 18 months and the rest by age 2. I still put pullups on Bry at night. It's so nice when the house is diaper free! Hooray! Well atleast till you have another one! LOL
