Friday, September 5, 2008


There is always a first time for everything. I have made my way into the canning world! I have always wanted to can but I just didn't know where to start. Well my mom brought me TONS of beautiful tomatoes that she has grown! Bruce and I have been eating bacon and tomato sandwiches and salsa for about a week and a half now but sadly I was starting to loose some of the tomatoes so I decided to can salsa!
I love my fresh salsa recipe so I tried it cooked and it was okay, not the same, but much better than the store bought salsas! Bruce said that once winter hits the salsa is going to be delicous, I am just comparing it with the fresh stuff that is available now! So I just stuck with that recipe...

I ended up with 20 pints of salsa and today I did 8 pints of just diced tomatoes, I figured that it is always nice to have diced tomatoes on hand for spagetti sauce, taco soup, hamburger soup, you know all the good stuff!

I am very proud of myself and now I am wanting to do more! But my poor house has suffered the last day and a half that I was doing all the canning! Bear in mind that I was also baby sitting four other kids plus my two that I still have at home at the same time I was canning, I know I am crazy! But it is done and I only lost a handful of tomatoes! Oh yea and all of the jars sealed...I was pretty happy about that!


  1. That is so cool, Steph!

    I would love to can someday...

  2. YUMMY! Did you see my salsa recipe on my blog? You should try it too, so delicious!

  3. I see Bruce's sister at Kiddie Kandids all the time. She did take some of Chloe's pictures... she's basically seen her grow up because I went so much! :D

  4. Awesome! I LOVE home made salsa. I made some zucchini salsa this year. It is yummy!

    It can be so time consuming, but it is so worth it! I think! Ü

  5. Very cool!!! Next year I am going to attempt to can some peaches.

  6. I am so proud of you too! You are so domestic... I can hardly cook, let alone can stuff! You Rock!!

  7. I am so jealous of all of the people canning. I wouldn't even know where to start. So if you have any pointers let me know.

  8. Please teach me! I should be embarrased that I don't know how! Looks yummy!

  9. You've been tagged, read my blog for details.

  10. Wow, you still talking about salsa? Nothing new has happened with your family. Time to updat your blog girlie. :D
