Thursday, April 15, 2010

Oakley's blanket finished!

I actually finished it a while ago
I've just been slacking on taking a picture of it
I love the way it turned out
I wasn't pleased with how the binding turned out
but it's done!

This baby doll is a life size baby
even though Oakley may be a big baby
I still think this blanket will be plenty big for him to snuggle in.


  1. Great Job Steph! It's really cute!
    This is Jodi not my daughter Kailee :)

  2. Awesome work! Binding looks fine to me. And yes you were right about the bald spot. her darker hair makes it stand out more. Her hair is long around the nap of her neck and nearly bald everywhere else. She looks like a balding man, poor thing.

  3. looks great! i wish i knew how to make a quilt like that....some day i'll learn :)
