Friday, April 3, 2009

Boys and thier stuff!

There is a saying.

One mans trash, is another mans treasure.

Everything that Owen sees is a treaure!
...And those *treasures* go either in his pocket,
or on his dresser.

An old battery, an old chain, some hunting card that Bruce got in the mail, and a single lincoln log

Cabela coins and a quarter

another view of the hunting card (I know your jealous)

Owen's hunting knife

(that has been taken away from him numerous times)

and a plastic animal (I think deer)

A transformer helicopter

(sorry I don't know which transformer it is)

A cap gun, a plastic spider and a screw

(argh, not my favorite!)
Spiderman legos
(which many of them are lost because he won't put them away!)

...and pups
He loves this dog with all his heart! He has had him since he was three months old and he cannot watch cartoons in the morning with out him!


  1. Wow! Owen is quite the pack rat :) His puppy is so worn!

  2. You know, Owen and Lily have SOOOO much in common! To keep Lily from bringing rocks in the house all the time, I gave her a plastic jar. She puts her rocks in there, and she can enjoy them OUTSIDE!

  3. I have a rock boy at my house too (Jude.) I finally had to cave and let him keep some of the "special" rocks inside and the rest go out in the "rock garden" by the front door! It didn't help matters that my mother left him all of her precious rocks when she passed away!

    And then there's Simon who brings home "treasures" from school every day (bottle caps, plastic spoons, wood chips, nails, unidentifiable objects etc...) Gotta love the collector kids!
