Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Owen is in heaven! He has been bugging me all winter long to pull out his bike, but there has just been too much snow to even get it out. Now with all the snow melted he is riding his bike non-stop!

His favorite trick is riding off the curb, he still is a little hesitant, but he is getting braver all the time!

He also is working on 'popping a wheelie' but I couldn't catch one, I am not fast enough and he can't do them high enough...yet!

I just love this boy! He is such a stud!


  1. lol. WE got our bikes out too. Mainly because I got tired of driving Brayden to school in the mornings and decided it was warmer, he could ride his bike instead. lol.

    Cute pictures!

  2. Wow! He is so handsome! And he is getting so big! Russell and Bradley are so excited to see him, Bailey and Morgan! Maybe Owen can give them some tips on riding without training wheels! :)

  3. My kids want to be outside all day! Too bad it snowed again....Yuck! Looks like your having fun with your new camera! Great Pictures!

  4. I love spring! I love running my kids out of the house and not having to go to McDonalds for excersize! He is such a cute boy!
