Today we decided to take a trip to the "Big Red Barn" in Santaquin to pick out some pumpkins. It was really fun. We got to take a ride on a tractor pulled wagon to the pumpkin patch and there we all picked out our perfect pumpkin.
We had to wait for a little bit before they had a driver who was available so we took some pictures of the kids.
searching for the perfect pumpkin...

Bailey wanted a perfectly round pumpkin, but then she found this one and saw its potential.
Morgan wanted a really big one...she settled on this one

Owen found his pumpkin as soon as we got off the tractor. He hauled it around saying, "It's heavy, it's heavy." under his breath. Bruce finally convinced him that he could set it down in a special spot while the girls chose their pumpkin.

Reagan was getting tired and hungry and didn't want to pose for any pictures so Morgan was helping her.
You can see her lovely onery expression behind the pumpkin
Bruce asked the tractor driver if the kids could sit in the bucket of the tractor, he said they could and so I took a picture...Reagan didn't want any more pictures taken at this point and was just crying for me to hold her...