Monday, February 1, 2010

New name?

Reagan is so funny
she loves to make people laugh
but she hates the attention put on to her
strange, I know
She always says the funniest things
that catch you off gaurd
This morning she came up and kissed my belly
she said she kissed the baby's heart
and that means she loves the baby
I asked her if it was a brother or a sister
(wondering if she would still insist on a sister)
she replied that it was a brother
then I challenged her furter by asking her want the baby's name it
she thought for a minute and said
"Um, Transformer?"
I need to be better about writing all the funny things my kids say down
I forget them so quickly
and it makes me sad!


  1. Silly Reagan. I know what you mean about writing things down. I always forget to right things down that Abi does.

    Transformers would be an interestng name, maybe. but I like Oakley.

  2. HAHA!!! That's awesome. I love it! :) You could name him Oakley Transformer Bruce Holdaway hehehe

  3. Lol! Thats so funny. I need to see you guys again!!

  4. Huh, I think Owen might like that name, too! How cute!
