The girls were comming home from school when they saw him helping dad...they were very mad, expecially Morgan, that dad didn't wait for them...

The girls were comming home from school when they saw him helping dad...they were very mad, expecially Morgan, that dad didn't wait for them...
She just wouldn't hold still, I think that she has ant in her pants, so this is the best picture that I have! Still so cute! I just love the look of kids that are missing there two front teeth!
Here she is on the way to school, she is the first one in her class to loose a tooth this year! She got to put her name on a special board, she was pretty excited!
Well she didn't end up pulling it...I don't know when she will loose it but as you can see it is very loose! Her gums above that tooth are starting to turn purple...I don't know if she bruised it from wiggling her tooth...I will post pictures as soon as it comes out!