Oh the joys of motherhood! Laundry is a never ending cycle, especially when you have two children who get one drop of anything on thier shirt and they have to IMMEDIATLY change their clothes! You may look at these piles of laundry and think oh that is about two weeks worth of laundry...WRONG! That is one week...and I haven't even folded the lovely socks yet...did I mention that this is only the kids clothes?? Don't get me wrong I love being a mother more than anything but 16 shirts in one week? Give me a break!

These are Owens p.j.s...I didn't even bother to count but I am sure that there is more than a weeks worth in there Ü
Owen had 16 shirts in his pile...
Morgan only had a mere 12 shirts in her pile Ü
I have just started implementing a chore chart again...it was hard to enforce chores while we were building our house...so hopefully the chores will help the kids know how much work really goes into running a house Ü