Sunday, November 13, 2011

Grandma Peterson

Late Tuesday, October 25th, my sweet Grandma took her last breath.  She had been suffering from the effects of Alzheimer's disease and since my Grandad passed away in May and my Aunt, who was living with them, was hospitalized there was talk of needed to put her into a nursing home.  We were all heart wrenched over this because we knew that even though she didn't remember much she still remembered a lot.  She would have been miserable in a nursing home.  April had a thought in her mind about uprooting her family in Moscow, Idaho because they were in a position that it was possible.  She wasn't working at the time, Tom was in a job that he was not happy with and the girls were out of school for the summer.  I guess she kept on pushing the thought aside until one night she was unable to sleep because of this thought.  She decided to write an email to my Mom and see what she thought about them moving down to help with Grandma.  Little did April know that the next day my Mom and Uncle Rick were talking seriously about putting her into a home and Rick was going to start calling on some places.  After their conversation my Mom went to her desk and checked her emails and the very first email was the one from April.  It was an answer to everyone's prayers.
Ariel was getting married on August 5th and we would be having a family reunion that same week.  So April packed up their things and headed down for the wedding/reunion.  When that was over April and her family moved down to Snowflake to take care of Grandma.  It wasn't easy, there were lots of downs but some ups  but it was all worth it to April to be able to be there.  I was so thankful that she was there because she writes a daily blog and so I was able to read about the last two months of my Grandma's life.  The week that she passed away, I knew it wouldn't be long.  The morning after she passed I looked at my phone to see what messages I had received overnight.  The first one was from April it said, "Grandma took her last breath" A flood on emotions overcame me.  I was sad that she was gone but happy that she was reunited with my Grandad, her true love.  

 Grandma in her younger years.  She sent these pictures to my Grandad while he was serving in the Navy.

 My Grandma in her last few weeks.

 Me, Oakley and Grandma at Grandad's funeral
 A four generation picture after Bailey was born
 In our younger years, I am in the back with the plaid dress on...yea, I was a little crazy...
 I am on the very left
 I am in the front with the blue dress on
I am the one with the pink rickrack on my shirt