Saturday, July 18, 2009

What I do all day

About eight years ago
money started getting tight
when Bruce got some health problems.
We talked about me going to work
and just the thought of it made me sick
someone suggested to me that I could babysit kids
I love kids
and I wanted to stay home
we found our perfect solution
Honestly I love my job
it is crazy
and I am glad when the day is over
but I could not have asked for a better job
not only do I get to stay at home
but I get to watch some pretty great kids
Bruce and I always comment
how much we like all the kids
AND the parents.

Like I said
we love all these kids so much!
I am honored to be the one
that parents trust with their precious kids


  1. It is great to be able to do something you love, and get paid for it! It is great that you have a great group of kids AND great parents! I think that watching kids you don't like...wait, watching kids you don't LOVE makes babysitting and childcare so difficult!

  2. Wow Steph I didn't know you watched kids. It sure makes a difference if the kids you have are good happy kids. I watched my neice and she cried all day and had reflex so she threw up everywhere all day. She never let me put her down. After that I don't know if I could do it again!

  3. This post almost made me cry! I thank my lucky stars everyday for the lady that told me about you. Finding a good daycare is the hardest and most emotional thing I've ever had to do. My girls LOVE playing at your house and with your girls. I never have to worry about my baby because she always goes to you. You are awesome at what you do!! Thank you!!!!!!
